Apr 05

Space Rocket History #436 – Pioneer 11

Pioneer 11 detected Saturn’s bow shock on Aug. 31, 1979, about 932,000 miles (1.5 million kilometers) out from the planet, thus providing the first conclusive evidence of the existence of Saturn’s magnetic field.

Pioneer 11 Launch

Pioneer 11 Beginning Gravity Slingshot Maneuver

Pioneer 11 Saturn Photo Taken 08/28/1979

Mar 09

Space Rocket History #384 – Pioneer 10

Launched in 1972 and weighing 258 kilograms (569 pounds), Pioneer 10 completed the first mission to the planet Jupiter and became the first of five artificial objects to achieve the escape velocity needed to leave the Solar System.


Jan 26

Space Rocket History #381 – Mariner 8 & 9

Mariner 8 and 9 were virtually identical and designed to continue the atmospheric studies begun by Mariner 6 and 7, and to hopefully map over 70% of the Martian surface.

Mariner 8 and 9 were Identical

Launch of Mariner 9

Parts Diagram of Mariners 8 & 9