Mar 16

Space Rocket History #410 – Skylab – Skylab 2 – Days 24-28

On Mission day 25, the crew was informed that they had surpassed the Russian space endurance record set by Soyuz 11 on Salyut 1 in 1971.

Sleep Compartment. Credit Shayler

Personal Hygiene. Credit Shayler

Waste Management. Credit Shayler

Trash Airlock. Credit Shayler

Trash Airlock. Credit NASA

Mar 01

Space Rocket History #409 – Skylab – Skylab 2 – Days 8-23

“Houston, Skylab. I’d like you to be the first to know that the PLT is the proud father of a genuine flare.” Joe Kerwin

Pete’s New Way to Ride the Bike. credit Shayler

The Skylab 500. Credit Shayler

The Skylab 500. Credit Shayler

Apollo Telescope Mount

Apollo Telescope Mount

Feb 15

Space Rocket History #408 – Skylab – Skylab 2 – Days 2-7 & 10th Anniversary Celebration

NASA’s first priority was to get Skylab back into solar inertial attitude.  This was both the coolest attitude and would point the Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) solar arrays directly at the sun. Thus the crew would have the most electrical power possible with the solar wing still stuck.

Pete in the Lower Body Negative Pressure Experiment

Paul Uses Bicycle Ergometer

Paul at the Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) Console