Jul 05

Space Rocket History #442 – Salyut 4 – Soyuz 17 with Gubarev & Grechko

The crew of Soyuz 17 embarked on a historic 29-day mission, surpassing the previous Soviet mission-duration record of 23 days set by the Soyuz 11 crew aboard Salyut 1 in 1971.

Soyuz 17 on Pad. Credit Space Facts

Flight Eng. Georgy Grechko

Cmd. Aleksei Gubarev

Mar 06

Space Rocket History #292 – Space 1970 – Venera 7

The VENERA 7 lander was the hardiest of the Soviet Venus probes yet built. Its creators wanted the vessel to land on the planet’s surface in working order.

Dec 23

Space Rocket History #142 – Venera 4

“It seemed that the nearby and mysterious planet was resorting to tricks to hide the secrets kept beneath its cover of clouds. As the probe drew nearer, Venus’ gravitational field increased its speed. The Doppler effect altered the wavelength of the signals received on Earth. The radio operators needed to be particularly vigilant so that the information sent from the station consistently landed in the narrow “throat” of the ground-based receivers.”  Boris Chertok

Venera 4. AKA Venus 4

Venera 4. AKA Venus 4

Venera 4 in Flight Config.

Venera 4 in Flight Config.

Venera 4 Capsule

Venera 4 Capsule on Display

Jul 10

Space Rocket History #70 – Luna 5-9 – Never Give Up

During 1965 through January 1966, several significant Soviet unmanned scientific missions were launched. Five of the missions will be covered in this episode. We will begin with the Soviet Luna program.

Lunas 4-9 Model

Lunas 4-9 Model

Luna lander

Luna lander

Luna 9 Mock-up

Luna 9 Mock-up

Luna 5 Impact point.

Luna 5 Impact point.

Luna 8 Impact point.

Luna 8 Impact point.