Jul 05

Space Rocket History #442 – Salyut 4 – Soyuz 17 with Gubarev & Grechko

The crew of Soyuz 17 embarked on a historic 29-day mission, surpassing the previous Soviet mission-duration record of 23 days set by the Soyuz 11 crew aboard Salyut 1 in 1971.

Soyuz 17 on Pad. Credit Space Facts

Flight Eng. Georgy Grechko

Cmd. Aleksei Gubarev

Dec 31

Space Rocket History an Encore Presentation of Episode #23 – Vostok 1 with Yuri Gagarin

“Dear friends, you who are close to me, and you whom I do not know, fellow Russians, and people of all countries and all continents: in a few minutes a powerful space vehicle will carry me into the distant realm of space. What can I tell you in these last minutes before the launch? My whole life appears to me as one beautiful moment. All that I previously lived through and did, was lived through and done for the sake of this moment.” Yuri Gagarin prior to launch of Vostok 1.

space rocket

ImageGen vostok 1 being prepared_500x409Yuri800px-Vostok_1_orbit Hint2

Aug 01

Space Rocket History #23 – Vostok 1 with Yuri Gagarin

“Dear friends, you who are close to me, and you whom I do not know, fellow Russians, and people of all countries and all continents: in a few minutes a powerful space vehicle will carry me into the distant realm of space. What can I tell you in these last minutes before the launch? My whole life appears to me as one beautiful moment. All that I previously lived through and did, was lived through and done for the sake of this moment.” Yuri Gagarin prior to launch of Vostok 1.

space rocket

ImageGen vostok 1 being prepared_500x409Yuri800px-Vostok_1_orbit Hint2